Saving Initially Before you begin to type, you should save your document. SAVING THE DOCUMENT Computers crash and documents are lost all the time, so it is best to save often. You also can choose from one of the template options that match what you are planning to working on (Figure 2). You can choose the Blank Document option for a blank sheet of paper. Opening Microsoft Word Once you open word, you will see a screen to select which type of document you would like to launch. GETTING STARTED To launch Microsoft Word, go to Finder > Applications > Microsoft Word (Figure 1). Getting Started Pg Saving the Document Pg Toolbars Pg Formatting Pg Inserting and Adding Objects Pg Printing Pg Other Helpful Functions Pg Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Office Pg.
Microsoft Word can be used to create documents, brochures, leaflets, outlines, resumes, lists, and simple web pages.
2 GETTING STARTED Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word processing programs supported by both Mac and PC platforms.